Wednesday June 19
Auditorium B-6 (Frings Wing) of the PUC-RJ
Street: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 – Rio de Janeiro
9:30 AM – Opening Remarks
10:00 AM – Arbitration in the Electric Sector and the Impact of Changes in the Energy Matrix
- Introducer: Hernán Chiriboga
- Moderator: Belén Moreno
- Nicolas Wayar
- Eugénie Caroit
- Margarett Matos
- Munial El Harti Alonso
- Eugenia Seoane
11:30 AM – Coffee Break
11:45 AM – Social Conflicts and Arbitration
- Introducer: Orlando Cabrera
- Moderator: Victoria Rodríguez Goyena
- Jorge López Fung
- Juan Pablo Labbe
- Luisa Quintão
- Fernanda Veremeenco
1:15 PM – Lunch
2:45 PM – Conflict of Interest in Latin America
- Introducer: Bruno Barreto de A. Teixeira
- Moderator: Daniela Guarderas
- Felicita Argaña
- Bernardo Pires
- Paola Aldrete
- Agustina Rodríguez
4:15 PM – Coffee Break
4:30 PM – Annulment of Arbitral Award
- Introducer: Camila Ordonez
- Moderator: Josefina Lavin
- Nicolas Rosero
- Javier Jaramillo Troya
- Christopher Glasscock
- Lucía Cazal