Diana Correa is a civil law and international lawyer with extensive experience in public, economic and private international law, investment law, the law of the world trade organization and other economic regional agreements, as well as international arbitration in both fields, investment and commercial. Diana holds a PhD from the University of Paris II on Public Law, and three more postgraduate degrees in the field of private and economic international law, as well as liability law and damages. As a professor of Externado University of Colombia and an ex-associate of international law firms, particularly Derains & Gharavi, Diana has collected a closed experience working with experts in international law, well-known international arbitrators, lawyers formed in both, civil and common law systems, and clients in several fields, including oil, energy, construction, joint ventures, telecommunications, and others. She has participated in complex transactions, multi-party and multi-contract proceedings conducted under the arbitration rules of the ICC, the ICSID, the UNCITRAL, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and others.